“To hear a CEO, from a Fortune 500 Company, share that he believes in Jesus was something that shocked me and made me stop and think.”
— Jesse (Junior at University of Wisconsin, Madison)
If you had the chance to speak to the college-aged version of yourself, what would you say to yourself? Maybe you wouldn’t say a thing. Maybe you would advise getting a cooler haircut, or throwing away the acid-washed jeans a little sooner.
Or maybe you would give yourself biblical wisdom that took you years to learn.
Well, here’s your chance.
EII is an opportunity for you to speak into the lives of the next generation: the best and the brightest that will eventually be writing your legislation and flying your planes. Don’t you want those men and women to have the knowledge of the gospel while they’re still figuring themselves out?
Come bestow wisdom on the up-and-coming leaders of America while they’re still eating ramen noodles and open to suggestions.
$1,000 (Per Person)
Underwrite expenses like the dinner, brunch, room reservations, and materials.
Classroom Presentations
Here’s your first opportunity to let the students see how the Gospel has impacted your life. While we ask that presenters refrain from explaining their full salvation story and therefore breaking the professor’s trust, we encourage speakers to note God’s work in their professional life. Speakers even have the opportunity to invite students to attend the Cru weekly meeting and hear them speak again, where the full Gospel story can be heard.
Forum Dinner
This exclusive dinner will be composed of primarily non-Christian students who are eager to develop their leadership skills. In the context of their personal story, speakers include things like their purpose in life and business, values that provide guidance along the way, and personal mission and vision.
Students may connect with the speaker’s story and be touched by the gospel in a new way. The last speaker of the night typically shares how a relationship with the Lord can be found. The local Cru staff members will conduct personal follow-up with students
Cru Weekly Meeting
If the itinerary were a meal, this would be the entree. Here, at the campus’s weekly Cru meeting, speakers have full freedom to express how the Gospel has impacted their life.
The format is panel-style discussion, and students will enjoy hearing the perspective of how the Lord can use men and women from every professional background. Many students will be regular attenders, but students from the classrooms and Forum dinner are also anticipated to be in attendance.
One-on-one Coffee Time with Students
Students are longing for advice from those who have walked in their shoes and survived. Many might get this encouragement from the previous talks, but others might desire a more personal opportunity. Students from the dinner have an opportunity to sign up for time the next morning with one of the speakers to talk more about job advice, leadership principles, or spiritual topics, including the Gospel.
Brunch with Cru Staff and Student Leaders
While the Lord works in the hearts of many, there are some who have the gift of leadership and will grow to become leaders in whatever professional field they pursue. Strategically for the gospel, we have coordinated a brunch with the local cru staff, as well as hand-picked students that have leadership potential and ability.
The goal of this gathering is to listen to their vision for the campus, while the speakers can encourage and affirm their obedience. If anyone encouraged you to pursue the Lord while you were starting your career, you may understand just how impactful a few kind-words can be. You now have the opportunity to give that to these students.
While Cru sponsors and organizes the event, including coaching for speakers, we want students and professors to understand that the participating business professionals made the event possible. During the Dinner, the emcee mentions to the audience that speakers are not only giving of their time and expertise, but have also underwritten the expense of the event, including the Dinner. Students feel valued, and it lends credibility when the Gospel is shared during the meal. We ask each speaker to donate $1,000 to underwrite expenses like the dinner, brunch, room reservations, and materials.
Hop in the DeLorean, or whichever time-traveling device that suits you, and pour into some college students for a day. They long for your wisdom, and will be impacted by the Lord’s work in your life. Who knows, you might just learn something too.